Choose a champion to get started
Berserker's Greaves
1100 gold
- 25 Attack Speed
- 45 Movement Speed
300 gold
- 25 Movement Speed
Boots of Swiftness
1000 gold
- 60 Movement Speed
Fleetfooted: Reduce the effectiveness of Slows by 25%.
Ionian Boots of Lucidity
900 gold
- 45 Movement Speed
- 10 Ability Haste
Ionian Insight: Gain 10 Summoner Spell Haste.
Mercury's Treads
1300 gold
- 20 Magic Resist
- 45 Movement Speed
- 30% Tenacity
Plated Steelcaps
1200 gold
- 25 Armor
- 45 Movement Speed
Plating: Reduces incoming damage from Attacks by 12%.
Sorcerer's Shoes
1100 gold
- 12 Magic Penetration
- 45 Movement Speed
Symbiotic Soles
900 gold
- 35 Movement Speed
Voidborn: Gain Empowered Recall.
Symbiosis: After traveling 150000 units of distance, transform into Synchronized Souls.
Synchronized Souls
900 gold
- 45 Movement Speed
Voidborn: Gain Empowered Recall.
Synchrony: Gain 45 Move Speed when out of combat.
3100 gold
- 45 Attack Speed
- 45 Movement Speed
Like the Wind: Attacks grant 5% Move Speed On-Hit for 6 seconds, up to 15%.
Abyssal Mask
2650 gold
- 300 Health
- 45 Magic Resist
- 15 Ability Haste
Unmake: Reduce nearby enemy champions Magic Resist by 30%.
Archangel's Staff
2900 gold
- 70 Ability Power
- 600 Mana
- 25 Ability Haste
Awe: Gain Ability Power equal to 1% bonus Mana.
Manaflow: (8s, max 5 charges)Landing Abilties grant 5 max Mana (doubled vs. champions).Transforms into Seraph's Embrace at 360 max Mana.
Ardent Censer
2200 gold
- 45 Ability Power
- 10 Heal and Shield Power
- 125% Mana Regen
- 4% Movement Speed
Sanctify: Healing or Shielding an ally enhances you both for 6 seconds, granting 25% Attack Speed and 20 magic damage On-Hit.
Axiom Arc
3000 gold
- 55 Attack Damage
- 18 Lethality
- 20 Ability Haste
Flux: When a champion that you damaged within 3 seconds dies, refund some of your Ultimate Ability's total cooldown.
Banshee's Veil
3000 gold
- 105 Ability Power
- 40 Magic Resist
Annul: Grants a Spell Shield that blocks the next enemy Ability.
Black Cleaver
3000 gold
- 40 Attack Damage
- 400 Health
- 20 Ability Haste
Carve: Dealing physical damage to champions reduces their Armor by 6% for 6 seconds. (stacks 5 times).
Fervor: Dealing physical damage grants 20 Move Speed for 2 seconds.
Blackfire Torch
2800 gold
- 80 Ability Power
- 600 Mana
- 20 Ability Haste
Baleful Blaze: , gain 4% Ability Power.
Blackfire: For each enemy champion, epic and large monster affected by your
Blade of the Ruined King
3200 gold
- 40 Attack Damage
- 25 Attack Speed
- 10% Lifesteal
Mist's Edge: Attacks deal a percentage of enemy's current Health as bonus physical damage On-Hit.
Clawing Shadows: Attacking a champion 3 times Slows them by 30% for 1 second.
400 gold
- 5 Gold gen/10s
- 200 Health
- 75% HP Regen
- 75% Mana Regen
Active - Ward: (4 charges)Places an Invisible Stealth Ward that grants vision.
Spellblade: After using an Ability, your next Attack deals bonus physical damage On-Hit. If the target is a champion, they take increased damage for 6 seconds.
3400 gold
- 80 Attack Damage
- 15% Lifesteal
Ichorshield: Convert excess healing from your Lifesteal to a Shield.
Bounty of Worlds
400 gold
- 5 Gold gen/10s
- 200 Health
- 75% HP Regen
- 75% Mana Regen
Active - Ward: (4 charges)Places an Invisible Stealth Ward that grants vision.
Upgrade: This item can be upgraded into Bloodsong, Celestial Opposition, Dream Maker, Zaz'Zak's Realmspike, or Solstice Sleigh for free.
Celestial Opposition
400 gold
- 5 Gold gen/10s
- 200 Health
- 75% HP Regen
- 75% Mana Regen
Active - Ward: (4 charges)Places an Invisible Stealth Ward that grants vision.
Blessing of the Mountain: Reduce incoming champion damage for 2 seconds after taking damage from a champion. When the effect ends, slow nearby enemies by 50% for 1.5 seconds.
Chempunk Chainsword
3100 gold
- 45 Attack Damage
- 450 Health
- 15 Ability Haste
Hackshorn: Dealing physical damage applies 40% Wounds to enemy champions for 3 seconds.
Cosmic Drive
3000 gold
- 70 Ability Power
- 350 Health
- 4% Movement Speed
- 25 Ability Haste
Spelldance: Dealing magic or true damage to champions grants Move Speed for 4 seconds.
2850 gold
- 60 Ability Power
- 30% Magic Penetration
- 15 Ability Haste
2500 gold
- 45 Ability Power
- 16 Heal and Shield Power
- 100% Mana Regen
First Light: Gain 2% Heal and Shield Power and 10 Ability Power per 100% Base Mana Regen.
Dead Man's Plate
2900 gold
- 55 Armor
- 350 Health
- 4% Movement Speed
Shipwrecker: While moving, build up to 20 bonus Move Speed. Your next Attack discharges built up Move Speed to deal bonus physical damage.
Unsinkable: Reduce the effectiveness of Slows by 25%.
Death's Dance
3300 gold
- 50 Armor
- 60 Attack Damage
- 15 Ability Haste
Ignore Pain: Damage taken is dealt to you over time instead.
Defy: Champion takedowns cleanse Ignore Pain's remaining damage pool and restore Health over time.
Dream Maker
400 gold
- 5 Gold gen/10s
- 200 Health
- 75% HP Regen
- 75% Mana Regen
Active - Ward: Place a Stealth Ward on the ground that is Invisible to enemies but grants your team vision of the surrounding area. Stores up to 0 Stealth Wards, which refill upon visiting the shop.
Dream Maker: Gain a Blue Dream Bubble and a Purple Dream Bubble over time. Healing and Shielding another ally blows both Dream Bubbles to them and empowers them, reducing incoming damage and granting outgoing damage.
Echoes of Helia
2200 gold
- 35 Ability Power
- 200 Health
- 125% Mana Regen
- 20 Ability Haste
Soul Siphon: Damaging a champion grants a Soul Shard. Healing or shielding an ally consumes all Soul Shards to restore Health and deals magic damage per Shard to the nearest enemy champion.
2900 gold
- 60 Attack Damage
- 15 Ability Haste
Ever Rising Moon: Hitting a champion with 2 separate Attacks or Abilities within 2 seconds grants you a Shield for 2 seconds.
Edge of Night
3000 gold
- 50 Attack Damage
- 250 Health
- 15 Lethality
Annul: Grants a Spell Shield that blocks the next enemy Ability.
Essence Reaver
2900 gold
- 60 Attack Damage
- 25% Crit Chance
- 15 Ability Haste
Essence Drain: Attacks grant Mana On-Hit.
Experimental Hexplate
3000 gold
- 40 Attack Damage
- 20 Attack Speed
- 450 Health
Hexcharged: Gain 30 Ultimate Ability Haste.
Overdrive: After casting your Ultimate, gain 30% Attack Speed and 15% Move Speed for 8 seconds.
2400 gold
- 550 Health
- 860 Mana
- 15 Ability Haste
Awe: Gain Health.
Everlasting: (0s)Immobilizing or Slowing ( Melee only) an enemy champion grants a Shield for 3 seconds. The Shield is increased by 80% if more than one enemy is nearby.
Force of Nature
2800 gold
- 400 Health
- 55 Magic Resist
- 4% Movement Speed
Steadfast: Gain 70 Magic Resist and 6% bonus Move Speed after taking magic damage from Champions 8 times.
Frozen Heart
2500 gold
- 75 Armor
- 400 Mana
- 20 Ability Haste
Winter's Caress: Reduce the Attack Speed of nearby champions by 20%.
Guardian Angel
3200 gold
- 45 Armor
- 55 Attack Damage
Rebirth: Upon taking lethal damage, restores 50% base Health and 100% max Mana after 4 seconds of Stasis.
Guinsoo's Rageblade
3000 gold
- 30 Ability Power
- 30 Attack Damage
- 25 Attack Speed
Wrath: Attacks deal 30 bonus magic damage On-Hit.
Seething Strike: Attacks grant 8% Attack Speed for 3 seconds. (stacks 4 times). While fully stacked, every third Attack applies On-Hit effects twice.
3000 gold
- 900 Health
- 100% HP Regen
Colossal Consumption: If an enemy champion is nearby for a few seconds, your next Attack against them deals 80 plus of 12% of your Item Health as bonus physical damage and grants 12% of the damage as max Health.
Goliath: For each 1000 max Health, gain 3% increased size, up to 30%.
Hextech Rocketbelt
2600 gold
- 60 Ability Power
- 350 Health
- 15 Ability Haste
Active - Supersonic: Dash in target direction, unleashing missiles that deal magic damage.
Hollow Radiance
2800 gold
- 400 Health
- 100% HP Regen
- 40 Magic Resist
- 10 Ability Haste
Immolate: After taking or dealing damage, deal magic damage per second to nearby enemies for 3 seconds.
Desolate: Killing an enemy deals magic damage around them.
Horizon Focus
2700 gold
- 75 Ability Power
- 25 Ability Haste
Hypershot: is triggered, Reveal all other enemy champions within 1400 range of them for 3 seconds.
Focus: When
3000 gold
- 60 Attack Damage
- 18 Lethality
- 10 Ability Haste
Eminence: When a champion that you damaged within 3 seconds dies, gain 15 Attack Damage plus 2 per champion killed for 90 seconds.
3000 gold
- 40 Attack Damage
- 500 Health
- 4% Movement Speed
Skipper: Every fifth Attack against champions and epic monsters deals bonus physical damage, increased against Structures.
Boarding Party: Nearby allied siege and super minions gain Armor and Magic Resist.
Iceborn Gauntlet
2900 gold
- 50 Armor
- 300 Health
- 15 Ability Haste
Spellblade: After using an Ability, your next Attack deals bonus physical damage On-Hit and creates a frost field for 2s that Slows.
Immortal Shieldbow
3000 gold
- 55 Attack Damage
- 25% Crit Chance
Lifeline: Taking damage that would reduce your Health below 30% grants a Shield for 3 seconds.
Imperial Mandate
2250 gold
- 60 Ability Power
- 125% Mana Regen
- 20 Ability Haste
Coordinated Fire: Abilities that Slow or Immobilize a champion deal bonus magic damage and mark them for 4 seconds. Allied champion damage detonates the mark, dealing additional magic damage and granting you both 20% Move Speed for 2 seconds.
Infinity Edge
3600 gold
- 70 Attack Damage
- 25% Crit Chance
Jak'Sho, The Protean
3200 gold
- 45 Armor
- 350 Health
- 45 Magic Resist
Voidborn Resilience: After 5 seconds of champion combat, increase your bonus Armor and Magic Resist by 30% until end of combat.
Kaenic Rookern
2900 gold
- 400 Health
- 100% HP Regen
- 80 Magic Resist
Magebane: After not taking magic damage for 15 seconds, gain a magic shield.
Knight's Vow
2300 gold
- 40 Armor
- 200 Health
- 100% HP Regen
- 10 Ability Haste
Active - Pledge: (0s)Designate an ally as Worthy.
Sacrifice: While near your Worthy ally, take 12% of the damage they receive and heal for 10% of the damage they deal to champions.
Kraken Slayer
3100 gold
- 45 Attack Damage
- 40 Attack Speed
- 4% Movement Speed
Bring It Down: Every third Attack deals bonus physical damage On-Hit, increased based on their missing Health.
Liandry's Torment
3000 gold
- 70 Ability Power
- 300 Health
Torment: Damaging Abilities burn enemies for 2% max Health magic damage per second for 3 seconds.
Suffering: For each second in combat with enemy champions, deal 2% bonus damage, up to 6%.
Lich Bane
3200 gold
- 115 Ability Power
- 4% Movement Speed
- 10 Ability Haste
Spellblade: After using an Ability, your next Attack deals bonus magic damage On-Hit.
Locket of the Iron Solari
2200 gold
- 25 Armor
- 200 Health
- 25 Magic Resist
- 10 Ability Haste
Active - Devotion: Grant nearby allies a 200 - 360 Shield that decays over 2.5 seconds.
Lord Dominik's Regards
3000 gold
- 35% Armor Penetration
- 35 Attack Damage
- 25% Crit Chance
Luden's Companion
2850 gold
- 100 Ability Power
- 600 Mana
- 10 Ability Haste
Fire: Damaging Abilities fire 6 Shots that deal bonus magic damage to the target and nearby enemies. Remaining Shots fire on the primary target, dealing 20% damage.
2700 gold
- 85 Ability Power
- 600 Mana
- 15 Ability Haste
Scorn: Gain 20 Ultimate Ability Haste.
Hatefog: Damaging a champion with your Ultimate burns the ground beneath them for 3s, dealing magic damage per second and reducing their Magic Resist.
2900 gold
- 35 Attack Damage
- 500 Mana
- 15 Ability Haste
Awe: Gain bonus Attack Damage.
Manaflow: (8s, max 4 charges)Landing Attacks and Abilties grant 3 max Mana (doubled vs. champions).Transforms into Muramana at 360 max Mana.
Maw of Malmortius
3100 gold
- 60 Attack Damage
- 40 Magic Resist
- 15 Ability Haste
Lifeline: Upon taking magic damage that would reduce Health below 30%, gain a magic damage Shield. When Lifeline triggers, gain Omnivamp until the end of combat.
Mejai's Soulstealer
1500 gold
- 20 Ability Power
- 100 Health
Glory: Gain 4 stacks for a champion kill or 2 stacks for an assist (up to 25 stacks total). Lose 10 stacks on death.
Mercurial Scimitar
3200 gold
- 40 Attack Damage
- 10% Lifesteal
- 40 Magic Resist
Active - Quicksilver: Removes all crowd control debuffs (excluding Airborne) and grants Move Speed.
Mikael's Blessing
2300 gold
- 12 Heal and Shield Power
- 250 Health
- 100% Mana Regen
- 15 Ability Haste
Active - Purify: Remove all crowd control debuffs (excluding Airborne and Suppression) from an ally champion and restore 100 - 250 Health.
Moonstone Renewer
2200 gold
- 25 Ability Power
- 200 Health
- 125% Mana Regen
- 20 Ability Haste
Starlit Grace: Healing or shielding an ally chains the effect to another ally (excluding yourself), healing 30% or shielding 35% of the original amount.
2950 gold
- 75 Ability Power
- 350 Health
- 15 Ability Haste
Grievous Wounds: Dealing magic damage to champions applies 40% Wounds for 3 seconds.
Mortal Reminder
3200 gold
- 30% Armor Penetration
- 35 Attack Damage
- 25% Crit Chance
Grievous Wounds: Dealing physical damage applies 40% Wounds to enemy champions for 3 seconds.
2900 gold
- 35 Attack Damage
- 860 Mana
- 15 Ability Haste
Awe: Gain 2% max Mana as bonus Attack Damage.
Shock: Attacks against champions deal 1.2% max Mana as bonus physical damage On-Hit. Damaging Abilities against champions deal 3% - 4% max Mana as bonus physical damage.
Nashor's Tooth
3000 gold
- 80 Ability Power
- 50 Attack Speed
- 15 Ability Haste
Icathian Bite: Attacks deal bonus magic damage On-Hit.
Navori Flickerblade
2650 gold
- 40 Attack Speed
- 25% Crit Chance
- 4% Movement Speed
Transcendence: Attacks reduce Basic Ability cooldowns by 15% of their remaining cooldown.
2700 gold
- 55 Attack Damage
- 15 Lethality
Preparation: After being out of combat with Champions for 8 seconds gain Lethality. This Lethality lasts for 3 seconds after dealing damage to champions.
Extraction: When a champion that you damaged within 3 seconds dies, gain 200 decaying Move Speed for 1.5 seconds.
Overlord's Bloodmail
3300 gold
- 30 Attack Damage
- 550 Health
Tyranny: Gain 2% of your bonus Health as Attack Damage.
Retribution: Gain up to 10% increased Attack Damage based on your percent missing Health.
Phantom Dancer
2650 gold
- 60 Attack Speed
- 25% Crit Chance
- 8% Movement Speed
Spectral Waltz: Become Ghosted.
Profane Hydra
3200 gold
- 60 Attack Damage
- 18 Lethality
- 10 Ability Haste
Active - Heretical Cleave: Deal physical damage around you.
Cleave: Attacks deal physical damage to nearby enemies.
Rabadon's Deathcap
3600 gold
- 130 Ability Power
Magical Opus: Increases your total Ability Power by 30%.
Randuin's Omen
2700 gold
- 75 Armor
- 350 Health
Active - Humility: Slow nearby enemies by 70% for 2 seconds.
Resilience: Receive 30% less damage from Critical Strikes.
Rapid Firecannon
2650 gold
- 35 Attack Speed
- 25% Crit Chance
- 4% Movement Speed
Sharpshooter: Your Energized Attack deals 40 bonus magic damage and gains 35% bonus Attack Range.
Ravenous Hydra
3300 gold
- 65 Attack Damage
- 12% Lifesteal
- 15 Ability Haste
Active - Ravenous Crescent: Deal physical damage to enemies around you. Your Life Steal applies to this damage.
Cleave: Attacks deal physical damage to nearby enemies.
2300 gold
- 10 Heal and Shield Power
- 200 Health
- 100% Mana Regen
- 15 Ability Haste
Active - Intervention: Restore 200 - 400 Health to allied champions and deal 10% max Health true damage to enemy champions after 2.5 seconds.
3100 gold
- 70 Ability Power
- 350 Health
- 15 Ability Haste
Void Corruption: For each second in combat with enemy champions, deal 2% bonus damage, up to 8%. At maximum strength, gain Omnivamp.
Void Infusion: Gain 2% of your bonus Health as Ability Power.
Rod of Ages
2600 gold
- 50 Ability Power
- 400 Health
- 400 Mana
Timeless: This item gains 10 Health, 20 Mana and 3 Ability Power every 60 seconds up to 10 times. Upon reaching max stacks, gain a level.
Eternity: Taking damage from champions restores 7% of the damage as Mana. Casting an ability heals for 25% of Mana spent.
Runaan's Hurricane
2650 gold
- 40 Attack Speed
- 25% Crit Chance
- 4% Movement Speed
Wind's Fury: Attacks fire bolts at 2 additional enemies near the target.Each bolt deals physical damage and applies On-Hit effects.
Rylai's Crystal Scepter
2600 gold
- 65 Ability Power
- 400 Health
Rimefrost: Damaging Abilities Slow enemies by 30% for 1 second.
Seraph's Embrace
2900 gold
- 70 Ability Power
- 1000 Mana
- 25 Ability Haste
Awe: Gain Ability Power equal to 2% bonus Mana.
Lifeline: (0s)Taking damage that would reduce your Health below 30% grants a 200 + 20% current Mana Shield for 3 seconds.
Serpent's Fang
2500 gold
- 55 Attack Damage
- 15 Lethality
Shield Reaver: , reduce Shields on them by %.
Serylda's Grudge
3000 gold
- 30% Armor Penetration
- 45 Attack Damage
- 20 Ability Haste
Bitter Cold: Damaging Abilities Slow enemies below 50% Health by 30% for 1 second.
3200 gold
- 110 Ability Power
- 15 Magic Penetration
Cinderbloom: Magic and true damage Critically Strikes enemies below 40% Health, dealing 20% increased damage.
Shurelya's Battlesong
2200 gold
- 50 Ability Power
- 125% Mana Regen
- 4% Movement Speed
- 15 Ability Haste
Active - Inspiring Speech: Grant nearby allies 30% Move Speed for 4 seconds.
Solstice Sleigh
400 gold
- 5 Gold gen/10s
- 200 Health
- 75% HP Regen
- 75% Mana Regen
Active - Ward: (4 charges)Places an Invisible Stealth Ward that grants vision.
Going Sledding: Slowing or Immobilizing an enemy champion near allies restores Health and grants 20% decaying Move Speed for 2.5 seconds to you and a nearby ally.
Spear of Shojin
3100 gold
- 45 Attack Damage
- 450 Health
Dragonforce: Gain 25 Basic Ability Haste.
Focused Will: Dealing damage with Abilities increases your Champion's Ability and Passive damage by 3% for 6 seconds. (stacks 4 times).
Spirit Visage
2700 gold
- 400 Health
- 100% HP Regen
- 50 Magic Resist
- 10 Ability Haste
Boundless Vitality: Heals and Shields on you are increased by 25%.
Staff of Flowing Water
2250 gold
- 35 Ability Power
- 10 Heal and Shield Power
- 125% Mana Regen
- 15 Ability Haste
Rapids: Healing or Shielding an ally grants you both 45 Ability Power for 4 seconds.
Statikk Shiv
2700 gold
- 45 Attack Damage
- 30 Attack Speed
- 4% Movement Speed
Electrospark: Attacks trigger chain lightning On-Hit, dealing magic damage with a cooldown.
Electroshock: Takedowns within 3 seconds of damaging the target reset Electrospark's cooldown.
Sterak's Gage
3200 gold
- 400 Health
- 20% Tenacity
The Claws that Catch: Gain bonus Attack Damage.
Lifeline: Taking damage that would reduce your Health below 30% grants a decaying Shield for 4.5 seconds.
2900 gold
- 90 Ability Power
- 15 Magic Penetration
- 4% Movement Speed
Stormraider: Dealing 25% of a champion's maximum Health within 2.5s applies
Squall: triggers, it damages nearby enemies and grants 30 gold.
3300 gold
- 40 Attack Damage
- 25 Attack Speed
- 450 Health
Active - Breaking Shockwave: Deal physical damage and Slow nearby enemies by 35%.Gain 35% decaying Move Speed per champion hit for 3 seconds.
Cleave: Attacks deal physical damage to nearby enemies.
Sundered Sky
3100 gold
- 40 Attack Damage
- 400 Health
- 10 Ability Haste
Lightshield Strike: Your first Attack against a champion Critically Strikes and restores Health.
Sunfire Aegis
2700 gold
- 50 Armor
- 350 Health
- 10 Ability Haste
Immolate: Taking or dealing damage causes you to begin dealing (15 + 1.75% bonus Health) magic damage per second to nearby enemies (increased by 25% against minions) for 3 seconds. Damaging Champions or Epic Monsters with this effect adds a stack, increasing subsequent Immolate damage by 10% for 5 seconds (max stacks 6).
3000 gold
- 30 Attack Damage
- 35 Attack Speed
Shadow: Attacks deal 30 bonus magic damage On-Hit.
Juxtaposition: Alternate between Light and Dark Attacks against champions: Light Attacks grant Armor and Magic Resist for 5s. Dark Attacks grant 10% Armor Penetration and Magic Penetration for 5s.
The Collector
3000 gold
- 50 Attack Damage
- 25% Crit Chance
- 10 Lethality
Death: Your damage executes champions that are below 5% Health.
Taxes: Champion kills grant 25 bonus gold.
2450 gold
- 75 Armor
- 150 Health
Thorns: When struck by an Attack, deal magic damage to the attacker and apply 40% Wounds for 3 seconds if they are a champion.
Titanic Hydra
3300 gold
- 40 Attack Damage
- 600 Health
Active - Titanic Crescent: Empower your next
Cleave: to deal bonus physical damage On-Hit and deal bonus physical damage to enemies behind the target.
2400 gold
- 40 Armor
- 250 Health
- 4% Movement Speed
Lead the Way: While moving, build up to 20 bonus Move Speed. At max speed:Create a trail that grants allied champions Move Speed equal to 15% of yours. If you are Melee, your next Attack Slows the target by 50% for 1 second.
Trinity Force
3333 gold
- 36 Attack Damage
- 30 Attack Speed
- 333 Health
- 15 Ability Haste
Spellblade: After using an Ability, your next Attack deals bonus physical damage On-Hit.
Quicken: Attacking grants 20 Move Speed for 2 seconds.
Umbral Glaive
2600 gold
- 50 Attack Damage
- 15 Lethality
- 10 Ability Haste
Blackout: When you are near enemy Stealth Wards and traps, reveal them for 8 seconds.
Blackout: When you are near enemy Stealth Wards and traps, reveal them for 8 seconds.
Extinguish: Attacks do bonus damage to Wards.
Unending Despair
2800 gold
- 60 Armor
- 350 Health
- 10 Ability Haste
Anguish: Every 5 seconds while in combat with champions, deal magic damage to nearby enemy champions and heal for 250% of the damage dealt.
Vigilant Wardstone
2300 gold
- 25 Armor
- 250 Health
- 30 Magic Resist
- 20 Ability Haste
Arcane Cache: This item can store up to 3 purchased Control Wards.
Behold: Increase your Stealth Ward and Control Ward placement caps by 1.
Void Staff
3000 gold
- 95 Ability Power
- 40% Magic Penetration
Voltaic Cyclosword
3000 gold
- 55 Attack Damage
- 18 Lethality
- 10 Ability Haste
Galvanize: Dashes and Stealth stack Energized 75% faster.
Firmament: Your Energized Attack deals bonus physical damage and Slows for 0.75 seconds.
Warmog's Armor
3300 gold
- 1000 Health
- 100% HP Regen
- 4% Movement Speed
Warmog's Heart: If you have 1500 bonus Health and have not taken damage within 6 seconds, restore Health per second and gain 4% Move Speed.
Winter's Approach
2400 gold
- 550 Health
- 500 Mana
- 15 Ability Haste
Awe: Gain Health.
Manaflow: (8s, max 4 charges)Landing Attacks and Abilties grant 3 max Mana (doubled vs. champions).Transforms into Fimbulwinter at 360 max Mana.
Wit's End
2800 gold
- 50 Attack Speed
- 45 Magic Resist
- 20% Tenacity
Fray: Attacks deal bonus magic damage On-Hit.
Youmuu's Ghostblade
2800 gold
- 55 Attack Damage
- 18 Lethality
- 4% Movement Speed
Active - Wraith Step: Gain Move Speed and Ghosting for seconds.
Haunt: Gain Move Speed while out of combat.
Yun Tal Wildarrows
2900 gold
- 50 Attack Damage
- 25 Attack Speed
Practice Makes Lethal: On-Attack, gain 0.2% Critical Strike Chance permanently up to 25%.
Flurry: On-Attacking an enemy champion, gain 30% Attack Speed for 6 seconds (30 second cooldown). Attacks reduce this cooldown by 1 second, increased to 2 seconds for Critical Strikes.
Zaz'Zak's Realmspike
400 gold
- 5 Gold gen/10s
- 200 Health
- 75% HP Regen
- 75% Mana Regen
Active - Ward: (4 charges)Places an Invisible Stealth Ward that grants vision.
Void Explosion: Dealing Ability damage to a champion causes an explosion that deals magic damage.
Zeke's Convergence
2200 gold
- 25 Armor
- 300 Health
- 25 Magic Resist
- 10 Ability Haste
Frostfire Tempest: Casting your Ultimate summons a storm around you for 5 seconds. The storm deals 30 magic damage per second to enemy champions and Slows them by 30%.
Zhonya's Hourglass
3250 gold
- 105 Ability Power
- 50 Armor
Active - Time Stop: Enter Stasis for 2.5 seconds.
450 gold
- 7 Attack Damage
Reap: Restore 3 Health On-Hit.Killing minions grants 1 gold, up to 100. Reaching the limit grants another 350 gold.
Dark Seal
350 gold
- 15 Ability Power
- 50 Health
Glory: Gain 2 stacks for a champion kill or 1 stack for an assist (up to 10 stacks total). Lose 5 stacks on death.
Doran's Blade
450 gold
- 10 Attack Damage
- 80 Health
- 3% Lifesteal
Doran's Ring
400 gold
- 18 Ability Power
- 90 Health
Restoration: Restore 1.25 Mana every second. If you can't gain Mana, restore 0.55 Health instead.
Helping Hand: Attacks deal 5 bonus physical damage to minions.
Doran's Shield
450 gold
- 110 Health
- 4 HP Regen
Enduring Focus: Restore 4 Health every 5 seconds. After taking damage from a champion, restore Health over 8 seconds.
Helping Hand: Attacks deal 5 bonus physical damage to minions.
Guardian's Blade
950 gold
- 30 Attack Damage
- 150 Health
- 15 Ability Haste
Guardian's Hammer
950 gold
- 25 Attack Damage
- 150 Health
- 7% Lifesteal
Guardian's Horn
950 gold
- 150 Health
- 20 HP Regen
Undaunted: Blocks 15 damage from attacks and spells from champions (25% effectiveness vs. damage over time abilities).
Guardian's Orb
950 gold
- 50 Ability Power
- 150 Health
Recovery: Restores 10 Mana every 5 seconds. If you can't gain mana, restores 15 Health instead.
Gustwalker Hatchling
450 gold
Jungle Companions: Summon a Gustwalker that assists you against monsters.
Gustwalker's Gait: The companion grows as you hunt monsters, empowering your Smite. When fully grown, it grants Move Speed upon entering brush, increased when killing large monsters.
Mosstomper Seedling
450 gold
Jungle Companions: Summon a Mosstomper that assists you against monsters.
Mosstomper's Courage: The companion grows as you hunt monsters, empowering your Smite. When fully grown, it grants a shield that regenerates after killing large monsters or out of combat.
Scorchclaw Pup
450 gold
Jungle Companions: Summon a Scorchclaw that assists you against monsters.
Scorchclaw's Slash: The companion grows as you hunt monsters, empowering your Smite. When fully grown, it periodically imbues your next Attack or Ability to burn enemies and Slow them. Killing large monsters readies this immediately.
Tear of the Goddess
400 gold
- 240 Mana
Manaflow: (8s, max 4 charges)Landing Abilties grant 3 max Mana (doubled vs. champions), up to 360.
Helping Hand: Attacks deal an additional 5 physical damage to minions.
World Atlas
400 gold
- 3 Gold gen/10s
- 30 Health
- 25% HP Regen
- 25% Mana Regen
Amplifying Tome
400 gold
- 20 Ability Power
B. F. Sword
1300 gold
- 40 Attack Damage
Blasting Wand
850 gold
- 45 Ability Power
Cloak of Agility
600 gold
- 15% Crit Chance
Cloth Armor
300 gold
- 15 Armor
250 gold
- 10 Attack Speed
Faerie Charm
200 gold
- 50% Mana Regen
Glowing Mote
250 gold
- 5 Ability Haste
Long Sword
350 gold
- 10 Attack Damage
Needlessly Large Rod
1200 gold
- 65 Ability Power
Null-Magic Mantle
400 gold
- 20 Magic Resist
875 gold
- 25 Attack Damage
Rejuvenation Bead
300 gold
- 100% HP Regen
Ruby Crystal
400 gold
- 150 Health
Sapphire Crystal
300 gold
- 300 Mana
Aether Wisp
900 gold
- 30 Ability Power
- 4% Movement Speed
Bami's Cinder
900 gold
- 150 Health
- 5 Ability Haste
Immolate: After taking or dealing damage, deal magic damage to nearby enemies for 3 seconds.
Bandleglass Mirror
900 gold
- 20 Ability Power
- 100% Mana Regen
- 10 Ability Haste
Blighting Jewel
1100 gold
- 25 Ability Power
- 13% Magic Penetration
Bramble Vest
800 gold
- 30 Armor
Thorns: When hit by an Attack, deal magic damage to the attacker and apply 40% Wounds for 3 seconds if they are a champion.
Catalyst of Aeons
1300 gold
- 350 Health
- 300 Mana
Eternity: Restores 7% of the damage taken from champions as Mana. Casting an Ability heals for 25% of Mana spent.
Caulfield's Warhammer
1050 gold
- 20 Attack Damage
- 10 Ability Haste
Chain Vest
800 gold
- 40 Armor
Crystalline Bracer
800 gold
- 200 Health
- 100% HP Regen
Executioner's Calling
800 gold
- 15 Attack Damage
Grievous Wounds: Dealing physical damage to champions applies 40% Wounds for 3 seconds.
Fated Ashes
900 gold
- 30 Ability Power
Inflame: Damaging Abilities deal 15 bonus magic damage over 3 seconds.Deals an additional 45 magic damage to monsters.
Fiendish Codex
850 gold
- 25 Ability Power
- 10 Ability Haste
Forbidden Idol
600 gold
- 8 Heal and Shield Power
- 50% Mana Regen
Giant's Belt
900 gold
- 350 Health
Glacial Buckler
900 gold
- 25 Armor
- 300 Mana
- 10 Ability Haste
Haunting Guise
1300 gold
- 30 Ability Power
- 200 Health
Madness: For each second in combat with enemy champions, deal 2% bonus damage, up to 6%.
Hearthbound Axe
1200 gold
- 20 Attack Damage
- 20 Attack Speed
1300 gold
- 25 Attack Damage
- 25 Magic Resist
Lifeline: Taking magic damage that would reduce your Health below 30% grants a magic damage Shield for 2.5 seconds.
Hextech Alternator
1100 gold
- 45 Ability Power
Revved: Damaging a champion deals bonus magic damage.
800 gold
- 200 Health
- 10 Ability Haste
Last Whisper
1450 gold
- 18% Armor Penetration
- 20 Attack Damage
Lost Chapter
1200 gold
- 40 Ability Power
- 300 Mana
- 10 Ability Haste
Enlighten: Levelling up restores 20% max Mana over 3 seconds.
Negatron Cloak
850 gold
- 45 Magic Resist
1300 gold
- 15 Attack Damage
- 20% Crit Chance
Oblivion Orb
800 gold
- 25 Ability Power
Grievous Wounds: Dealing magic damage to champions applies 40% Wounds for 3 seconds.
1100 gold
- 15 Attack Damage
- 200 Health
Rage: Attacking grants Move Speed for 2 seconds.
Quicksilver Sash
1300 gold
- 30 Magic Resist
Active - Quicksilver: Remove all crowd control debuffs (excluding Airborne).
775 gold
- 15 Attack Damage
- 4% Movement Speed
Recurve Bow
700 gold
- 15 Attack Speed
Sting: Attacks deal 15 bonus physical damage On-Hit.
Runic Compass
400 gold
- 5 Gold gen/10s
- 100 Health
- 50% HP Regen
- 50% Mana Regen
Active - Ward: (3 charges)Places an Invisible Stealth Ward that grants vision.
Support Quest: Earn 0 gold from this item to transform it into Bounty of Worlds.
Shared Riches: (0s, max 0 charges)While near an ally champion, damage enemy champions or kill minions to gain gold.
Scout's Slingshot
600 gold
- 20 Attack Speed
Bullseye: Damaging a champion deals bonus magic damage. Attacks reduce this cooldown by 1 second.
Seeker's Armguard
1600 gold
- 40 Ability Power
- 25 Armor
Active - Time Stop: (Single use)Enter Stasis for 2.5 seconds.
Serrated Dirk
1000 gold
- 20 Attack Damage
- 10 Lethality
Shattered Armguard
1600 gold
- 40 Ability Power
- 25 Armor
900 gold
- 10 Ability Haste
Spellblade: After using an Ability, your next Attack deals bonus physical damage On-Hit.
Spectre's Cowl
1250 gold
- 200 Health
- 100% HP Regen
- 35 Magic Resist
Steel Sigil
1100 gold
- 30 Armor
- 15 Attack Damage
The Brutalizer
1337 gold
- 25 Attack Damage
- 5 Lethality
- 10 Ability Haste
1200 gold
- 20 Attack Damage
Active - Crescent: Deal physical damage to enemies around you.
Cleave: Attacks deal physical damage to nearby enemies.
1150 gold
- 15 Attack Damage
- 250 Health
Vampiric Scepter
900 gold
- 15 Attack Damage
- 7% Lifesteal
Verdant Barrier
1600 gold
- 40 Ability Power
- 25 Magic Resist
Annul: Grants a Spell Shield that blocks the next enemy Ability.
Warden's Mail
1000 gold
- 40 Armor
Rock Solid: Reduce incoming damage from Attacks.
Watchful Wardstone
1100 gold
- 10 Armor
- 150 Health
- 15 Magic Resist
- 10 Ability Haste
Arcane Cache: This item can store up to 3 purchased Control Wards.
Winged Moonplate
800 gold
- 200 Health
- 4% Movement Speed
1200 gold
- 15 Attack Speed
- 15% Crit Chance
- 4% Movement Speed
Cappa Juice
100 gold
Control Ward
75 gold
Elixir of Iron
500 gold
Elixir of Sorcery
500 gold
Elixir of Wrath
500 gold
Health Potion
50 gold
Refillable Potion
150 gold
Health 0
Mana 0
Attack Damage 0
Armor 0
Attack Speed 0
Crit Chance 0
Ability Power 0
Magic Resist 0
Ability Haste 0
Movement Speed 0
HP Regen 0
Armor Penetration 0
Attack Range 0
Mana Regen 0
Lethality 0
Tenacity 0
Lifesteal 0
Omnivamp 0
Magic Penetration 0
Heal and Shield Power 0
Gold gen/10s 0